Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Lucy

I just wanted to send some pictures of our Lucy. We brought her home approaching 2 months ago and she's just a wonderful addition to our family! I've attached some pictures of her, first with our cats, second digging in her toy basket before spreading all toys out to play with at her leisure (they never stay in the basket long) and finally helping mom on the computer! She's very loved and very happy, we're also about to start doggie school to perfect her manners and potty training.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tiki and Maddie

Tiki came to the shelter on1-2-08 as a 6-week-old puppy and she was adopted 1 year later on 1-24-09. Stacy and her wonderful family had also adopted Maddie a black lab from AAR a year earlier. Tiki is living a great life now. She is loved and is spoiled rotten like every animal should be.

SKYLER In our hearts


On 1-4-06 I was looking in the paper and saw a very handsome young man by the name of Sugar Ray. I called to see if he was still available and was told yes. I had done alot of research on Boxers and knew of health issues they faced and knowing white Boxers have even more problems my husband and I were willing to adopt. We went to AAR and met this wild man! But we fell in love with him immediately! I knew it would take some hard work to train him to have good manners.

All the hard work paid off Sugar Ray became Skyler Green Meador and with that I trained him and he trained my husband. All was well in the Meador household until 8-21-07 when a small mole on his back right leg looked like he had been bitten there it was swollen. I took him to the vet it was removed and he was diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumor Cancer. Through 8 surgeries he ate well and had energy to keep his dad inline! July 29, 2009 just after noon our precious boy lost his battle with cancer. Through it all and now in our grief and loss we were blessed that AAR ia a "No-Kill Shelter" so that we had the opportunity to have this wonderful beautiful boy in our lives. With all those beautiful faces waiting on their forever home, I would never purchase a dog or cat through a breeder, pet store, on the side of the road....etc. I would adopt again or sponsor a dog or cat. Now the wound of losing our boy is still fresh to think of adopting now, but I will continue to support AAR with
a donation like Skyler and I did every December.
Thank You AAR!
Gail Meador

AAR's promise to Sue

Bryce's previous owner was an AAR volunteer who passed away. We promised Sue we would find Bryce a wonderful home. 2 1/2 years later Bryce was adopted on 12-31-08 and now is living the life of luxury. It took awhile to find a family for her because Bryce had seizures and no one wanted a dog who had seizures. Since she has been living with her new family, Bryce has had 2 siezures and now is seizure free.

Ono (aka: Snowflake)

We were the lucky ones who got to bring Snowflake home. She was re-christened as 'Ono', after the white sand beaches in Orange Beach, AL - where we have family on Ono Island, and will be married this June.

She is such a lover! No one ever told her she wasn't meant to be a lapdog! She takes every chance she gets to snuggle up close and cuddle with us. She's so happy at home with us, it has been a match made in Heaven (or Tomball, rather).

She didn't like the car at first - it took 2 of us to get her in, but after just a few times, she's more than happy to jump in herself and go for a ride anywhere, anytime.

She's a little timid of bigger dogs still, but loves to run up and play with dogs smaller than her. She's made best friends with my mom's dog, Lucy - a Schnoodle, who visits from time to time. As you can see from the photo, they are even bed buddies!

We are so happy to have found her; she is everything we were looking for, as we're so thankful to AAR for taking good care of her until we could bring her home to us.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life of Luxury

Blue Boy was found on FM 249 by a good samaritan and brought to AAR. Fortunately, AAR happened to have room and were able to take him in. He was heartworm positive, and after the expensive treatment, Blue Boy went home to a loving family. (FYI-once AAR takes in an animal, they take full responsibility for its health and welfare - no matter what the cost). He is now Brando. A fantastic dog who is well-behaved, minds, and is already attached to Megan. This photo is because he wouldn't stay in the back seat away from her.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


So, after we lost Bob.....We ALL felt such a loss....not only for Bob's absence, but for a "little guy" in the house! (don't get me wrong, all our pets are indoor/outdoor of course! :-) ) So I was volunteering at the AAR Tomball Petsmart adoption, and there sat "Pepe" (now our Radar) in his cage. He was quiet, subdued, and just "taking it all in". People would walk past...and look at him, but no one seemed interested. So, I got him out, and spent some time with him outside, carried him around, then decided this was the guy for us. Due to our "pack", we wanted another very "non" alpha....and boy is Radar the man for that role !!!

We have our 9 segregated into 3 separate fenced yards, and Radar is the only fella in our rescue history that has been able to go out and interact freely in ANY yard he wants!! He is playful and runs super fast! His best friend is Kirby, our 2 year old 95 lb white dog! He is a total mama's boy...but also loves to be carried around by our daughter. He loves to chase the deer who know completely ignore him as they eat their corn... He loves to give kisses and loves to snuggle up with us in bed at night. He is as close to perfect for a dog as you can imagine. We love him SOOOO much !!!! Shelter dogs RULE !!!!! (he told me to say that....)

Jennifer M. & Family

"Angel" Bob

I began volunteering last summer at AAR in Tomball. On my first day in the "smaller dog" room, I noticed a sign on Bob's cage that said (in a nutshell) " I have a liver shunt. It cannot be repaired for numerous reasons. The vet gives me anywhere from 2 months to a year to live". By the third visit there, even with all the loving hands on him in the days, I could not fathom him being terminal, and spending his last days living in the shelter. I took him home that day.
Bob was indeed "special" and I say that with the most sincere smile! We found out that due to his liver shunt, and the toxins in just daily living for him could not be filtered out through the liver properly, he existed in a slightly "drunk feeling" world. THIS explained alot! Bob was brought into our home to join our 9 large dogs, 1 parrot, 2 bunnies, and 1 degu. He was so tiny compared to what any of our "group" had ever seen and due to his complete "silly-self" personality....I truly believe our animal family steered completely clear of him as they remained very unsure of the little guy and his hilarious antics.

Bob entered our homes and our hearts like a whirlwind. He made leaps and bounds being in a "real home"....he began to play (in his own way)....he loved to eat....he was the king of our castle without a doubt. My 7 year old daughter and he became glued together, as she had never had or seen a dog she could carry around. (our 9 are all rescued, as in literally "off the streets" due to being dumped at gas stations near by, etc...) so sadly most large breeds get the short end of the stick due to, well, "being large". So our daughter strolled him in the wagon outside, strolled him in a baby carriage inside, and Bob was happy as could be.

At the end of October, after only 5 months, Bob became very sick, very quickly. By the second day of his illness we had to say goodbye via euthanization. It was bittersweet, but we all knew we had done a selfless act, and understood that we provided him with what we believe were the happiest most spoiled 5 months of his life!! We miss you Bob......may you frolick above in heaven with all your buddies, healthy and disease free for eternity!! Jennifer M. & Family
(and part 2 is coming......shortly after we adopted Radar from AAR.... :-) )

Friday, June 4, 2010


My family and I adopted our dog Cookie from AAR in September of 2009. He is great with our cats, although he does like to chase them occasionally. He is just a wonderful dog, and a great addition to our family.


The Rocha Family


Beau had quite a lot to say about our car ride until we turned right down by the shopping center, then he became strangely silent. He dozed all the rest of the way home. Once in the house I put him in the bathroom with the intention of keeping him there a few days to acclimate. But to my surprise he escaped and explored the rest of the house immediately, finally sitting in the window growling at the birds and squirrels. The window and cat tree with string toys are his favorite places to be. But another thing he does just cracks me up. He'll run the length of the house, up and down the hallway as if something were after him, and then slide around the corners, his little paws looking for traction, and sliding till he gets his grip. He could be in a cartoon. He is getting lots of exercise. True to his name, Beauregard is master of the realm, the dogs properly defer to him. His most loving habit is when sitting or sleeping with me, he keeps one paw touching me most all of the time. Odd, because it is a habit of my own too.

Thank you so much for my sweet baby Beau. Dixie


Chopper is doing GREAT! He is a happy boy that just wants to be with you. He wags his tail so hard (especially if hes getting a treat ) that I think he is going to knock his self over. He does something every day to make me laugh. He should be our inspiration that they ALL just need a chance and a little love and attention. Keep up the good work ya'll!

Rebecca and Chopper

Happy Together

These are two cats that we adopted from AAR. Pixel (aka Lady) on the bottom was adopted in Dec. 08. Nano (aka Trixie) was adopted in Feb. 2010. If you can't tell from the contented look on Pixel's face, they are getting along very well.


Years of loving

We adopted Dharma (the orange and white spaniel) from AAR 6 years ago. We started off fostering her because she had seizures and needed special care. We thought we were just helping out until she found a forever home. Her loving and playful personality won our hearts, Kira's (the white lab) and Ezri's (the tan dobie mix) too; now, we are her forever home. Thanks to Rosehill Vet's wonderful care, she has been virtually seizure free for 5 years. Lillie, (the AmStaff mix) fostered with us during the holidays. As of this posting, she is awaiting her forever home at AAR. (Another AAR volunteer is Santa during the PetSmart Tomball Holiday photo shoot. Luna, the cat in inset, decided not to go to PetSmart.).

Pat and Doug

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Angel Marie

I started volunteering at AAR in August and the first day I saw Angel, I told a friend of mine I loved her and had to have her. I already had several animals and made a promise to not take anymore animals home, that I was going to simply volunteer. Well time went by and I walked her in the Tomball Holiday Parade which pretty much sealed the deal. We were one, a perfect match and I just had to take the next step. I ended up adopting her and she and my other dog Pepper Ann are now best friends. She even loves cats. Imagine that, after being in a shelter for 2 years, she now sleeps with cats!!! She is an Angel and deserves nothing but the best. I am so happy to have her as part of my family and couldn't imagine it any other way!


Hi my name is Debbie

We adopted Spencer last month (3/10); he was one of your wild boys. I wanted to give an update. Spencer has been having fun with his new family. He has actually grown taller. He now has two furry brothers: our cat Tyson (king of the house) and a little big brother named Bailey (a beagle). Spencer loves to play fetch with the people while Bailey watches. He collects sticks (well, really small trees) on our two walks each day. He doesn't even let a little rain stop the walks either. When he is not playing with the people, he rough houses with Bailey. I think that they have an understanding. They each take turns who is on top of the puppy pile. Watching them play is more entertaining then anything else. When Bailey has enough, they both just lay down for a rest or a nap. Unless Spencer is still full of energy, then he just picks up the rope ball and runs around the yard like he is in a race.

We have had to play extra tricks and make little puzzles for him since his mind is so active. We play games even during our down time. He helps me find things in the yard and dig in the dirt when I want to plant something.

Overall, he is happy, healthy and fun loving. He has fit into our crazy pack very nicely. :). If you want more updates let me know.

Thank you,