Monday, August 22, 2011


We adopted Beau from AAR at Petco in Tomball August 13th. We saw him when we came in that afternoon, and I knew it was fate that we would keep him, but it took us a few hours to decide if we wanted to add another dog to our family.

Beaureguard is the name my dad made my mom give one of our kittens as kids in exchange for letting us keep him, and he still has the cat to this day, my sister adopted a cat name Beau a few years ago, and when I saw this dog's name I knew he was meant for me.

We have a 5 year old Corgi mix, and 2 kittens that are about 9 months old already. When Beau came home with us that day he fit in with our family perfectly. Mya our other dog just adored him from day one, and she has been acting like a young pup again now that she has another dog to run around the yard and play with.

Beaux loves rawhide bones and playing fetch with a tennis ball; he even taught our Mya how to chew on bones.

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