We wanted to send you some update pics of Brody since he recently had his one-year birthday! What a change! He is now 65 lbs + and still a little room to grow. Balls, food, sticks, food, his little sister playmate Karleigh (adopted locally in October)...did I mention food? He has turned out to be a great dog for us...and too smart for his own good! Kate has kept up his training - sit, stay, lay, circle, come, up, paw, other paw, crawl, etc. We definitely see lab in him now, but occasionally, what we suspect now to be some Catahoula craziness overrides the common sense and he needs some crate time-out to calm back down. His pal, Karleigh, is a 28 lb. Aussie/border collie mix from the local shelter..six months of age! They keep each other going! Brody is much more willing to do some quiet time in front of the TV than she is! Brody and Karleigh got a 60' X 40' fenced yard for Christmas and are loving every square inch of it!
He loves to track all of the animal smells on our trails...especially after a good rain! He is big with a BIG warning bark, but mostly we just here some "grumble talk" when he wants to play or go out, etc. All-in-all..he is a giant baby and can't wait to give you morning kisses and a hug after his wake-up stretches!