Approximately two years ago my mother adopted Sasha, who is now known as Sadie, from the AAR. My mother had recently lost her husband and her pet "Sarah, " a cocker spaniel about the same time. She was starting to adjust to both of the losses then she lost her huband's beloved dog Bobo to old age. Mom was determined she WAS NOT going to allow herself to love another animal and have it leave her. Then came SADIE. I told her the pretence that I was going to AAR to drop off some items and wanted her to come with. She met Sadie. It was NOT love at first sight. She felt sorry for the ragged little dog, and her sad story. Reluctantly she agreed to give her a chance all the while saying that "if it didn't work out she is going back." Well, we brought her home, she jumped out of the car and wrapped her leash around my legs, I fell, broke my glasses and she headed down the road. I caught her within minutes. She came into the house and parked herself on the couch with a look that
said "if you come near me, I will eat you." It took about three weeks and she started coming out of her shell.
Now she is the prima dona of the neighbourhood. She barks for my Mom when the phone rings. She gives my mother a reason for getting up in the morning. She is her protector. She is her constant friend.
AAR not only saved that life of that little ragged dog, but they also gave my mother a reason to keep on going. For that I am forever grateful.
Kathy Brammer